Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Our Instrumental Analysis Laboratory, which also operates under the control of the R&D department, uses highly sensitive and state-of-the-art devices to perform raw material input controls and analyze the effects of raw materials in foam rubber recipes. This laboratory is conditioned with an air conditioning system according to normal conditions (23° and 50% relative humidity).

Mass measurements are made with a precision of 0.00001 g in an airless and vibration-free environment in the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory.

Parameters such as how the raw material will be physically treated in the foam casting, under how many bars of pressure it can work, what kind of pipeline can be used to transport it to the mixture are calculated by doing kinematic viscosity measurement with the viscometer device . Measurements are held Under Normal Conditions.
NCO&OH measurements and Water Determination Experiments are carried out with a titration device. The device has the top technology of its segment. NCO&OH and water values ​​are very important parameters in preparation of foam casting recipe, and the quality parameters of the foam (density, cell structure, hardness, breaking, tearing, strength under pressure, air permeability, etc.) are highly affected by measurement and inclusion of these values ​​in the formula.